This optic is diffraction limited at the center field but not at the edge. 衍射极限只在中心部分起了作用而不是边缘。
The image of sphericity which does not located the principal optic axis is an ellipse based on pinhole model, and the image center offsets from the projection of the sphere center. 针孔成像模型下非主光轴上的球体成像为椭圆,椭圆中心偏离球心投影点。
The integrated optic density of GnRH positive immunoreactive substance in preoptic area of hypothalamus was determined by immunohistochemistry and image processing to observe the change of GnRH content in pulsative secretory center of GnRH ( medial preoptic nucleus) in hypothalamus. 采用免疫组化及计算机图像处理技术,测定其下丘脑视前区GnRH阳性物质的积分光密度值,观察其下丘脑GnRH的脉冲性分泌中心(视前内侧核)GnRH含量的变化;
The PDIC ( Photo detector integrated circuit) position error causes the displacement between the optic axis of optical pick-up and the PDIC center. 光电探测器(PDIC)的安装误差导致光学头的光学轴心与光电探测器的中心不重合。
An algorithm is presented for transferring the optic center when a fisheye image is transformed into perspective projection images, consequently a navigation of a perspective projection image with small angle of view can be realized within a fisheye image with large angle of view. 给出了把鱼眼图像变换成透视投影图像时光学中心转移的算法,从而实现了用小视角的透视投影图像在大视角的鱼眼图像中的漫游。
Changes in the levels of NO and NOS of retina tissue cultured in vitro with extracting liquid of optic center 不同条件体外培养的视网膜组织中NO及其合成酶变化
In this paper anisotropic acousto optic ( AO) diffraction geometry in three coordinate planes of KDP crystal is studied. Some design and function parameters of the KDP AO device under the center frequency of 200 MHz are calculated. 讨论了KDP晶体在三个主轴坐标平面内的反常声光衍射几何关系,计算了中心频率在200MHz以下KDP声光器件的各设计参数以及性能参数。
With the view of obtaining symmetric splitting angle prism, on the basis of Bi-, through designing the orientation of the crystal optic axis rationally, make the prism plane-symmetry about center tangent plane; 为了获得分束角对称的偏光分束棱镜,在双Wollaston棱镜结构的基础上,通过合理设计棱镜左右两端晶体光轴的取向,使棱镜整体呈中心切面对称;
CONCLUSION: Optic chiasm is the center of chiasmatic cistern, which is surrounded by anterior optical nerves, posterior pituitary handle, and inferior pituitary with sphenoid saddle between them. 结论:视交叉池内结构以视交叉中心,前续视神经,后邻垂体柄,下隔鞍膈邻脑垂体等;
· CONCLUSION: Rotating grating conclude plenty of visual information, and it excites different areas of the optic center as a stimuli. 结论:旋转光栅包含丰富的视觉信息,作为刺激源可兴奋视觉中枢的不同区域。
According to the idea of FBG scale, which is proposed by the Fiber Optic Sensing Research Center, design, computation and experiment have been done. 分析了传统的汽车称重传感器对交通部门有效地实施超限管理的局限性和不足,针对光纤中心提出的光纤光栅称重传感器的构想,进行了设计、计算和实验验证工作。
Amblyopia occurs in the early stage of visual system development after born, and there is functionally abnormal development from retina to optic center. 弱视发生于出生后视觉系统的发育时期,从视网膜到大脑视觉中枢的功能性发育异常,临床主要表现为视网膜视力的低常。
· AIM: To study the mechanism and effect of acupuncture and moxibustion on optic system and to define the role of the center nerve among the optic nerve during the process that the acupuncture affects the visual function. 目的:探讨针灸影响视觉系统的效应及其机制,明确视神经中之离中纤维在针刺影响视觉功能过程中的作用。
In order to get the optic center position, use another traditional calibration algorithm in the reference document [ 43], and use its optic center result in TSAI calibration algorithm. 为了获取光心位置,本使用了文献[43]提出的传统标定算法,将其获得的光心位置代入TSAI标定算法重新标定。
Through the underground fiber optic transmission system and ground-LAN, the status of equipment operation and the information of down-hole environmental security are sent to the ground-based data center. 通过井下光纤传输系统和地面局域网,将井下设备工况及环境安全监控信息传输至地面数据中心。
By using the mark target image, the interior and exterior parameters of the camera are calibrated and the three-dimensional circle of the optic center coordinate of the camera is fitted. So the structure parameters and motor impulse equivalent of the machine are calibrated. 利用标靶图像对摄像机的内外参数进行了标定,在此基础上对摄像机的光心坐标进行三维圆拟合,从而标定样机的结构参数和电机脉冲当量。